Loncsosi-Bátor Mecsek ("Milo")

This is Milo, the newest addition to our kennel. For quite some time we had been searching for a silver male. Milo comes from Loncsosi-Bátor kennel in Várpalota, Hungary. He is pictured at left with his breeder, Zsuzsa Bátor, prior to his coming to America. Silver pulis are born a nearly black color which changes to silver over several months. For an idea of how he will look as an adult take a look at Cifra's page. We are looking forward to watching MIlo grow and mature. Milo began his show career in the spring of 2013. Currently he has earned 8 championship points.
Zsuzsa Bátor
Loncsosi-Bátor Kennel
Várpalota, Hungary
Date of Birth:
August 18, 2012
Health Testing:
DM Clear
Eyes Clear
Zsuzsa Bátor
Loncsosi-Bátor Kennel
Várpalota, Hungary
Date of Birth:
August 18, 2012
Health Testing:
DM Clear
Eyes Clear