CH Vadrozsa Fashionista IT ("Posh")
Posh is the female puppy from our "F" litter, born in September 2011. Her parents are GCH Vadrozsa Erdosi Egi Dejan CD RA CGCA VP and GCH Erdosi Vadrozsa Neci BN RN CGC VP. We are quite excited by the young girl as we believe she has both the looks and attitude to shine in the show ring. Posh began her show career in March 2012. Posh finished her championship in May 2014. Posh has also shown an aptitude at herding sheep and earned her instinct title at the Puli Club of America National Specialty herding test/trial in October 2013.
Ross & Kathy Allen
Vadrozsa Puli Kennel
Date of Birth:
September 10, 2011
Health Testing:
OFA Patellas - Normal
DM Clear
OFA Eyes - Normal
OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
CHIC #95032
Ross & Kathy Allen
Vadrozsa Puli Kennel
Date of Birth:
September 10, 2011
Health Testing:
OFA Patellas - Normal
DM Clear
OFA Eyes - Normal
OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
CHIC #95032
Posh winning her first major in Scottsdale, Arizona in March 2014.